Photos & Report from LP Convention - More Badnarik Info.

Info of interest to local activists working on Presidential campaigns...
     Read Carol Moore's detailed report -- which also includes lots of photos -- on the LP Convention in Atlanta. It's "Gonzo" reporting with on-target analysis, if I do say so myself. Besides being an entertaining chronology of controversies and hi-jinks, it presents concrete alternatives to problems posed by the fact this year we had a tight race with three good candidates! The biggest problem many delegates are perceiving is the failure to have FULLY INFORMED DELEGATES who have accurate information which they can use to discriminate between legitimate negative campaigning and dirty politics based on exaggerations and fabrications. Two proposals for achieving that goal are included. The report also includes details on: Negative Vs. Dirty Campaigning; Presidential and V.P. lobbying; Drew Carey for President; Boortz Protest; Presidential Debate Transcript; Presidential Balloting; Badnarik Acceptance Speech; Crickenberger Memorial; "The Troika" running Badnarik's campaign; the Vote Buying Issue which arose; and various post-convention Gripes and Kudos. Have YOU contributed yet?? See the fun AD on front page. Did YOU know he's on the O'Reilly Factor Weds night, June 23rd?? Check the schedule frequently. Have YOU subscribed to the newsletter?? BADNARIK Buttons (campaign gets 1/2 of money)
Simple one page libertarian-oriented button page good for linking from YOUR page. Link to if you want to link to the whole selection. Great new Position Paper!

Have a great, high resolution photo of Badnarik from the convention or elsewhere? Email it to the campaign media person David Rostcheck <media@...> He's looking for more good ones.

Secessionists for Badnarik