Phil Berg For LPSF Chair

Dear Aubrey,

Below is an excerpt of an email to me from our former chair, Phil Z. Berg.

What do you think?

Warm regards, Michael

Dear Michael and All,

Thank you to Michael for starting the ball rolling on the LPSF search for good activists who will be willing to serve as officers in 2012. At the last LPSF meeting, both Jawj and I announced that we would not be serving in 2011. We have not yet heard from our current Vice Chair and our current Treasurer as to whether they wish to continue their service.

Regarding the office of Chair, Phil has indicated that he would be willing to serve (thank you, Phil!) if Aubrey serves as Vice Chair and takes care of "the nuts and bolts." So that Aubrey can make an informed decision, perhaps Phil can let Aubrey know how extensive are the nuts and bolts he is referring to. For information, here are the tasks that I take care of at present, will not be taking care of next year, and that the next ExCom needs to decide on diving up, substituting, etc.

1. Prepare an agenda one week before each meeting, and post on lpsf-activist list. Then post as is or modified with additions etc, on the LPSF website two or three days afterwards.

2. Announce the monthly LPSF meetings on the LPSF website, and watch the lpsf-announce to ensure accuracy of meeting location.

3. Ensure that the LPSF website has current content.

4. Chair LPSF monthly meeting.

5. Pick up mail at the LPSF mailbox.

6. Listen to the LPSF Ring Central voice messages, and return the calls.

7. Upload attendance sheets and other documents deemed important to keep to the LPSF cloud storage. (Note: the Secretary uploads the minutes. We have not had paper records for the past few years.)

8. Forward information on new members to LPCA.

These are the "nuts and bolts." Another job of the Chair is to find ways to promote and further the objectives of the LPSF, by encouraging political participation, attending events, etc.

Hope this helps.
