Patrols Memorial Fund

Dear All,

I have posted the following addendum to the front page article on the LPSF website regarding the San Francisco Patrol Special Police. The plaza on 17th and Market Streets is testament to the effectiveness of the Patrols, of private initiative (remember, the Patrols are paid by private clients who find the Patrols' service useful), and of the fact that even our Board of Supervisors can be made to acknowledge good things! I hope you all will rise to the occasion and send in your contribution to the Officer Jane Memorial Fund, to ensure that the memorial Plaza is identified with a proper plaque.


ADDENDUM Posted November 27, 2010: Jane Warner Plaza is a pleasant spot in the Castro, worthy of a visit. However, at present it lacks a proper plaque that would do justice to Officer Jane's dedication to the neighborhood. So, the San Francisco Patrol Special Police has set up a fund to co-sponsor with the City a memorial plaque. The fund has been established at the San Francisco Police Credit Union, P.O. Box 22219, San Francisco, CA 94122-0219. The Patrols, the Libertarian Party of San Francisco, and the folks in the Castro who knew Officer Jane hope you will sent your check made payable to "Officer Jane Warner Memorial Fund."

I sent my contribution in....


Hi Mike,

I also sent my contribution, along with my Mom's contribution. My Mom never heard of the Patrols before I told her about them. She remains unable to understand why the Patrols are not more folks' choice of security, since ultimately they would cost her a lot less than the SFPD 10B program! Also, it goes without saying, a memorial plaza needs to have a proper plaque, preferably funded by private folks who believe in the work done by the person memorialized.

(For those interested in sending a contribution to have a proper plaque in the Officer Jane Warner Plaza, please see posts below.)

