Outreach opportunity - open mic every Thursday at 16th & Mission

Got something to say? Can you put it in a poem? Read it with artistic style and flair? Are you brave enough to stand up in front of a small crowd? Every Thursday night, an impromptu poetry reading / performance art gathering takes place on the corner of 16th and Mission from 9:00 p.m. until ???

  I keep meaning to go to this event and read something there, but then forget about it until I accidentally stumble on it again, usually coming off BART as I did tonight. If anybody else is interested in going and reading, or just going and listening, let me know. I'm more likely to be inspired if I have some friendly company. Attendance varies with the weather and temperature, but typically two or three dozen I'd say. A diverse and motley group of folks, but generally friendly to those who put themselves in the spotlight unless a person's being a jerk. Here's an article about the event:


Love & Liberty,
        ((( starchild )))