Outing PG&E's Astro-Eco Poseurs


One distinction between a private and Govt-run enterprise involves its
potential to fail and close its doors.

SF G&E has this possibility, whereas the Govt would not allow PG&E to cease
and desist.

Warm regards, Michael


  I suspect you meant to state that the other way around: "PG&E has this possibility, whereas the Govt would not allow SF G&E to cease and desist." However, by getting the company names backward, I think you may have inadvertently highlighted the truth that the government probably would not allow PG&E to fail any more than a government-owned utility. After all, some New Deal agencies did eventually go away, while some private companies are now being bailed out by government as "too big to fail."

  In short, in a sufficiently fascist (government-run) economic system, I don't believe a bright line exists between government-owned enterprises and private-owned enterprises.

Love & Liberty,
        ((( starchild )))

Dear Starchild;

Your message highlghts the major difference between private enterprise and free market enterprise. Private enetrprise is as always Big Buisness and Big Government working together which is fascism.

A free market enterprise is the business standing and surviving on its on merits namely the public or other businesses buying its services or goods.

The idealistic pure capitalistic business does not exist because of all the government regulations in place governing private enterprise and free market enterprise and PUC's .

Obamanomics is fascism as witness GM becoming Government Motors and Obama firing the pres. of GM then clombing in bed with the AWU to run GM.

Ron Getty - SF Libertarian
Hostis res Publica
Morte ai Tiranni
Dum Spiro, Pugno


  I agree with the overall thrust of your message, but I think how much a business can legitimately be called "private" or "free" is a matter of degree. Also, I haven't heard anyone define "private enterprise" and "free market enterprise" as two completely different things before. Given that they are understood by most people to be the same thing, and that "private" strongly implies non-government (e.g. "private property"), I think there are probably better semantic ways of making the distinction you're trying to make.

Love & Liberty,
        ((( starchild )))

Dear Starchild;

I delibrately chose the semantic differences between private enterprise and free market enterprise aka capitalism because there is a significant difference between the two and have read articles espousing the differences between the two.

Private enterpise is not and never will be capitalism regardless of the format it has to take because of onerous government regulations which in numerous instances were instigated by private enterprise to reign in free market enterprise.

Unfortunately delineating the differences between private enterprise and capitalism is easier but based on the liberalistic MSM news reports and COngress in its wallowing in the business bankruptices bail outs capitalism has gotten a bad name when it was not capitalism which was the cause of todays depression but private enterprise and the government. AND they are the further cause of the deepening depression sadling the next hundred future generations with todays government bail out debt.

Ron Getty - SF Libertarian
Hostis res Publica
Morte ai Tiranni
Dum Spiro, Pugno


Ron Getty wrote:

a privately formed
San Francisco Gas & Elctric company to be privately run and outside
the domain of the PUC.

This is the private SF G&E I refer to.

Warm regards, Michael