...here are some others I took recently:
(1) LPSF chair Aubrey Freedman holding Gary Johnson sign with a math teacher we spoke with at the independent San Francisco School after our outreach event to an 8th grade class there, in front of the school
(2) Gary Johnson sign I got placed in the window of a Thai restaurant in SF's Mission district
(3) One of many light poles in the Mission on which I posted Gary Johnson and other campaign materials
(4) Representatives of the LP and other political parties on stage at a De Anza College associated students event in Contra Costa County, with Rich Vanier of the Contra Costa LP second from foreground
(5) Student audience at the De Anza College event, with Gary Johnson sign on LP table and Kurt Schultz of the Alameda County LP at right
(6) LP Special Projects (direct mail, etc.) staffer Nick Dunbar in his office at LP national headquarters in D.C. with his historic wall placards from early Libertarian campaigns
(7) LP Member Services Specialist (receptionist, etc.) staffer Molly Schwoppe at the reception desk at LP national headquarters
(8) LP Executive Director Carla Howell at work in her office at LP national headquarters
(9) The media room at LP headquarters
(10) SF Inquisitor General (aka Supervisor Scott Wiener) speaking for his proposed nudity ban, as captured on closed-circuit TV at the Board of Supervisors hearing Tuesday (the lettering below his image is part of the closed captioning)
(11) Woman in the Board of Supervisors chambers protesting the nudity ban immediately after the vote*
(12) Nudists talking to the media outside SF City Hall after the nudity ban hearing*
(13) Nude performer outside City Hall*
*None of these people are technically nude, they simply have their genitals and/or breasts visible, which is of course what this ban is really about, right? Trying to censor the parts of the human body perceived as being too sexual, because human sexuality is a dirty, filthy thing that should be kept hidden, especially from children?
Love & Liberty,
((( starchild )))
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