Hi Richard,
I received email notice from LPC state chair Adrian Malagon about the rescheduled convention, although his message was notable for its divisive tone, and failure to acknowledge either his responsibility for not meeting the convention notification requirements in the first place, Barbara Englehardt’s role in securing a new date/venue, or the (justified and appropriate, IMHO) reasons why the complaint to the Judicial Committee wasn’t filed immediately – e.g. it didn’t immediately occur to folks that we couldn’t trust Adrian, based on his past behavior, to hold the convention in good faith, and realize that if we let it go forward, he might fail to win reelection and then use lack of proper notice as an after-the-fact excuse to try to nullify that election by ruling it invalid.
I also got the email he sent your mom (thanks for forwarding, Janice) containing his now-standard unacceptable crap about trying to enforce a dress code, suppress dissent (which he’s been known to wrongfully characterize as “frivolous motions”), and censor free speech (try to make attendees get advance notice before distributing any literature or materials).
Who were the people not notified this time, that you know of? Have they all been notified now (e.g. by you)? I hope so, or that everyone will be notified – delaying the convention yet again on a technicality would not be good! I think someone (maybe someone with whom Adrian is more willing to talk than myself!) should attempt to determine how the individuals you mention were overlooked, and ensure that every other LPC member has been sent notification, or will be ASAP.
Love & Liberty,
((( starchild )))
(415) 573-7997
On Mar 2, 2025, at 6:53 PM, Richard Fast fastrichard77@gmail.com wrote:
The LPCA ExCom failed to notify with their most recent email at least 3 members of the upcoming state convention in Santa Nella. Two are from Contra Costa (his own county), one from San Francisco. If you know of anyone else in the state who was not properly notified, please do as I have done and report it to the LPCA Judicial Committee at judicial@ca.lp.org mailto:judicial@ca.lp.org
In Liberty,Richard