New online petition opposing the national Libertarian Party's flawed "Iraq Exit Strategy"

There is a new online petition opposing the national Libertarian Party's flawed "Iraq Exit Strategy":

  Although I personally support a continued U.S. government military presence in Iraq in the belief that it is in the best interests of people in that country, nevertheless I encourage people to sign this. The "Exit Strategy" as written, by calling for transferring troops to other countries, for direct foreign aid, and for a gradual pullout, is in clear violation of the party platform. If Libertarian leaders are allowed to violate with impunity the platform voted on and approved by the membership, it means that grassroots Libertarians have lost control of their party.

  As I wrote in the comment attached to my petition signature, any LP official who knowingly puts forward, or fails to retract, a major policy initiative which is a clear and obvious violation of the party platform, should be dismissed from his or her position.

Yours in liberty,
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