I, of course, agree with Ron Getty regarding our currently non-
existent marketing plan. Ron, have you looked over "Marketing
Primer" in the Files section of the Activist List? It would seem to
me that the first hurdle would be to sell a marketing plan to our
membership! Then maybe we could tackle the easy-by-comparison job of
selling the LP to the general public.
BTW, I also agree with Mike A. that our new meeting place should not
be in a "creepy neighborhood;" we have enough challeges getting
members and guests to attend our meetings. Cybelles or the Front Room
sound good to me, since it appears that most of us live close to the
avenues, and pizza is a "universal" meal enjoyed by most people.
--- In lpsf-activists@yahoogroups.com, Ron Getty <tradergroupe@y...>
> Dear Mike;
> To have had people from the Richmond Districts - New Chinatown or
Russian community come to the meetings it would have been necessary
to have gone to them first to let them know who we are and what we
stand for. Then we could have expected members of the community
coming by to eagerly become Libertarian.
> However, no matter where we meet whether the Tenderloin the
Mission or SOMA it makes no difference when we are the Stealth
political party of San Francisco and under the radar screens of
people who would seriously consider joining the Libertarian party.
> As has been said: Any fool can make soap - but it takes a clever
person to sell it.
> We as Libertarians can make great soap but we need to be clever
in selling it so people know our brand of soap and will buy it.
> We basically have a non-existent marketing and sales program to
sell Libertarianism to San Francisco. If we want to increase the
membership and registration we need to sell who and what we are. It
won't happen by someone reaching out into the osmosis and finding
Libertariansim by default.....
> Ron Getty
> SF Libertarian
> P.S. How about them Steelers!!! Are they gonna go all the way to
the Title??
> "Acree, Michael" <acreem@o...> wrote:
> Starchild:
> I'm afraid that after my last mugging I'm with Steve on this one;
there are communities where my personal outreach would have to be
remote. But I also don't see that holding our meetings in the
Richmond for a number of years facilitated our outreach to the
Chinese or Russian communities there.
> ---------------------------------
> From: lpsf-activists@yahoogroups.com [mailto:lpsf-
activists@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Starchild
> Sent: Friday, January 20, 2006 6:21 PM
> To: lpsf-activists@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: [lpsf-activists] Re: New meeting place discussion
> Steve,
> I'm not arguing against Cybelle's, but I don't think as a
political party seeking the votes of all San Franciscans that we can
afford to write off a good chunk of the city as being too "creepy"
for us to hold meetings there. Some of the same factors that make
places like Mission and SOMA less safe than, say, Pacific Heights --
the fact that they are poorer areas with more diverse ethnic
populations -- make them more important for us in terms of outreach.
The Green Party has an office in the Mission, and the Marijuana Party
has an office in SOMA.
> Yours in liberty,
> <<< starchild >>>
> On Friday, January 20, 2006, at 06:04 PM, Steve Dekorte wrote:
> On 20-Jan-06, at PM 05:22, Starchild wrote:
> > Well, there's little FREE parking in the area of the old
Round Table
> > either, but if you're referring to the paucity of available
metered or
> > garage parking in the inner Mission, you probably have a point.
> > past 25th Street wouldn't be as central or probably as
convenient for
> > most, although it's still much more geographically central than
> > old meeting location. What's your take on parking in the SOMA
> > neighborhood, say around 11th and Folsom or thereabouts?
> On a Saturday afternoon it's probably ok, but might be tricky as
> downtown/SOMA parking rules vary widely even within blocks. Also,
> a long walk from the light rail line on Market to Folsom and
> for the bus can take even longer.
> Btw, Polk St, SOMA and Mission are all pretty creepy
> after dark (which is ~5pm this time of year). If we're going to
find a
> new place, there are non-creepy districts with both good parking
> public transit to choose from. For example, most of the outbound
> rail lines go through West Portal - which is a nice neighborhood
> many good restaurants. Cybelle's is also a good choice in this
> -- Steve
> U s government grant California Activist U s
government student loan California politics
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