New article by Starchild on LPSF website

Awesome, thanks for publishing, Marcy! I see you even managed to get the photo and links in correctly. I'm not sure how to get in to edit the piece. When I'm looking at it in logged-in mode, there is a little lock icon at the top of the story which when rolled over says "Checked out by Marcy Barry" along with today's date, but nothing happens when I click on it.

Love & Liberty,
                               ((( starchild )))

Sounds like you don't see the Edit icon. I will check the Users' settings again to see if I missed something that is causing you not to be able to edit your own writing.


Hi Starchild,

I changed a setting that might allow you to edit your article until we figure out why you could not publish the article yourself. Please try again when you get a chance.
