I don't know how to add polls to the site (if Rob ever told me, I've
forgotten), but if you want to teach me, I'll try to post them
periodically. I know I'm overdue to write up some website commentary.
If you're okay with it, I'll also go in and edit "Occupy Wall Street"
to say just "Occupy" in the piece you posted -- let me know.
Your concern about us doing nothing is valid, but I think consciously
trying to spread a meme is not nothing. Since what to call the
movement does not seem to be a major point of public contention at
this point, and I've seen it variously referred to as "Occupy Wall
Street", "OWS" (better), and "Occupy" (even better), this suggests to
me that libertarians can exert some influence on that nomenclature.
Words influence thoughts, and a movement that's known as (and thus
tends to think of itself as) "Occupy" seems likely to do more good
(or, if you want to be cynical about it, less harm) than a movement
identified as "Occupy Wall Street". If it were "Occupy Washington
D.C." of course I'd leave it alone.
Love & Liberty,
((( starchild )))