[[NCCLG] Who is endoring "Yes on 56" - not the taxpay...

In a message dated 1/16/2004 2:04:31 PM Pacific Standard Time,
robpower@... writes:
This list of organizations endorsing Prop 56 is a real hoot.

David, if you've not yet picked a topic for the chat you're organizing, maybe
this would be a good issue to discuss.

I don't think there's time for an official membership vote, but will the ExCom
be taking a position?
Those who endorse Prop 56 are ALL, without exception, those who sup at the
public trough. (Note: Major funding provided by California State Council of
Service Employees Political Issues Committee and California Teachers Association
Issues PAC)

All citizens who pay taxes are certain to get hit with ever-more taxes if
there is no constitutional protection against it, like the 2/3 vote requirement.

The Prop 56 name is clearly misleading, and also clearly intended to mislead.
(Californians for Budget Accountability - Yes on 56).

We should oppose Prop 56.

Sarosh Kumana
Pacific Investment Properties
Tel: 415-861-4554
Fax: 415-861-4209
Cell: 415-425-5184