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The Untold Story in Libya: How the West Cooked Up the "People's Uprising"

Posted By Russ Baker On August 31, 2011 @ 8:00 am In Quick Takes,World | 11 Comments<’re-celebrating-qaddafi’s-end-can-we-get-a-little-truth/print/#comments_controls>


As I write this, a new day is dawning in Libya. The "people's revolt" against yet another tyrant is unquestionably exciting, and the demise (political and/or otherwise) of Muammar Qaddafi will, of course, be widely hailed. But barely below the surface something else is going on, and it concerns not the Libyan "people", but an elite. In reality, a narrowly-based Libyan elite is being supplanted by a much older, more enduring one of an international variety.

The media, as is so often the case, has botched its job. Thus virtually all of its resources over the past six months have gone into providing us with an entertainment, a horse race, a battle, with almost no insight into the deeper situation..