Although the LP's Mac MacCarthy wasn't included on the Cranky Geeks
panel this week, the topics discussed are incredibly important for
Libertarians. See
When two of the top security experts in the business tell you the United
States is now officially a police state, how in the world can anyone
argue about it? And the most infuriating thing is that current opinion
polls suggest the vast majority of U.S. citizens are perfectly happy
with this arrangement as long as it seems like the idea is to fight
terrorism. Be afraid. Be VERY afraid.
Ervan Darnell also pointed out a great site for podcasts from the Cato
Institute. I know Cato has been the subject of some controversy here,
but Tim Lynch's commentary on the Hayden confirmation hearings perfectly
complements the Cranky Geeks episode referenced above. Like the NORML
News podcasts, which rarely exceed 10 or 15 minutes in length, the Cato
podcasts are similarly brief. Check them out at
To continue the theme, you might also want to visit, as if you don't already have
enough seeds to spawn your nightmares.
And after all the above, go to
just to rinse the horror from your mind and have a good laugh at the
expense of the media.
Terry Floyd