Monday: Join Jim Elwood and 5 other Ron Paul Supporters at "Golden Gate Liberty r3VOLution - Monthly Meeting & Elections"

I'll be in Chicago this weekend for the Libertarian National Committee meeting and not returning until Tuesday, but Golden Gate Liberty r3VOLution (the newly renamed local Ron Paul group) is have a meeting and electing officers this Monday night (see info from Meetup site below).

  I've posted a message expressing my interest in being nominated for vice-chair -- in that capacity I would seek to ensure that the group remains committed to libertarian ideas and on good terms with the LPSF and the Libertarian Party generally (I'm not averse to working with Ron Paul Republicans either, so long as it doesn't involve selling out to the larger GOP!). Right now I think GGLR has a solid group of local activists though and I doubt I'll be unhappy with any of the folks who get elected whether I am or not.

  Numerous LPSFers including myself have been involved with this group, and I strongly recommend them as another local organization fighting for freedom. As with the LPSF, folks often hang out and socialize after these meetings, usually at Cafe Prague or another nearby bar. You should go; I think you will have a good time. I notice that Jim Elwood of the International Society for Individual Liberty is going to be attending for the first time.

Love & Liberty,
                              ((( starchild )))