I'm forwarding already. They need the background. The only thing they don't know is the hours of phone conversation it took for us to get to this operational level. Hopefully it can been seen and mimicked.
Most have been deprived of the experiential framework to understand how this works so there is no way to explain it. But seeing it in action is a whole different matter.
BTW, Ernie Hancock called me this morning. We need to talk to integrate our plans with his, but he is definitely on board. It will take us probably an hour or so to hammer out the details.
From: The Mikester <>
To: John Bechtol <javlin@...>
Sent: Wednesday, May 8, 2013 12:22 PM
Subject: Re: Moderator networkI have an idea, I'm going to draft something from my secretary@... address and cc: you on it. It will call for a Yahoo campaign to spread the word for participation in the national day of action June 1, with links to the press release and Starchild's speech and a short synopsis of the controversy. You can forward it out to all of your lists and with any luck it will catch momentum and people will continue to forward it to other lists. So rather than joining more lists ourselves, we can try to get people who are already members of those lists to repost it. There's no guarantee it will work but it's worth a try. I think that might be what you were originally thinking. But anyway I still have to meet somebody at 1 so I can't work on it until after that and it's a busy day for other reasons too. *sigh* Maybe you can even draft it, send it to me, and then I'll forward it back to you from my addy as a plea from Outright and then
you can forward that to your lists .... ?