My life was saved by Marijuana. It's banning is patently unconstitutional as Prohibition was repealed in 1933 because of prohibitions awful effects and because the Constitution has no provisions to grant authority for prohibitions continued ban on marijuana after the repeal of it's Constitutional rationale. By showing public support for the Unconstitutional war on drugs, you are contributing the lawlessness of our society. Whatever is popular goes regardless of the clear words of the 9th ,10th amendments. So Kellogg's is , in effect supporting the view that that if it feels good do it, regardless of the highest law in the land. Your support of the Drug war feels good to your marketing department, and you could care less about our Constitution. Marijuana is unpopular for a subset of your consumers, so you will throw Michael Phelps to the gutter for your cheap thrills and quick buck. You are guys are nothing but immoral sugar pimps. The ban causes the moral degradation of our society, giving economic advantage to gangs both within in our country and outlaws throughout the world. Sugar , which you purvey in far larger quantities is a health disaster, contributing to tens of millions of premature deaths due to diabetes. It also makes people excitable. Should it banned and athletes who use it shunned? I will not be consuming Kellogg's products so long as you engage in the hypocritical support that you have given to the destructive , patently unconstitutional , and therefore illegal war on drugs, against the constitutional rights of millions of Americans and the public views of a great American hero who you used to sponsor for decades, Walter Chronkite. OH , and are you living in glass house? If you, any of colleagues, board members etc. have ever inhaled, you will hopefully some how reap the rewards of your cowardice and hypocrisy in the whirlwind..
Philip Berg
Libertarian Candidate for Congress
California District 8
san Francisco
also a native of Baltimore.
I hope you watch your sales figures in Baltimore.