Message from Representative Nancy Pelosi

Dear All;
For some reason or another I got on Nancy Pelosi's global warming and energy independence spam mail list. I am forwarding this to you so you can read the pure B.S. she and Congress is spewing with half-truths - lies - innuendos - twisted facts and skanky politics. The basis of her spam mail is greedy wind fall profits oil companies and greedy corrupted Republicans. What Madame Speaker leaves out is greedy corrupted Democarts.
Ron Getty - SF Libertarian
Hostis res Publica
Morte ai Tiranni

I will have to do a lot ofT'ai chi, and much Bhuddist chanting, plus maybe some Baruchas to calm my cnnter to respond to this with out resorting to explitives. I guess that the best response is to simply say that this is a serious problem. A problem that has a direct effect not just in this country but worldwide. a problem that is already causing starvation in many parts of the world, deepening poverty, and misery. It requires serious consideration of proper policy movingforward, making a consious effort to interject blame, or polemics. Those in leadership positionshave a special to lead with gravitas , so that policy moving forward assures a smooth transition to our future energy needs without severe hardship, here ,or abroad.