Hi Jeremie,
Thank you for your message and interest in the Libertarian Party of
San Francisco. Please tell me where you saw that you have to be a
registered voter to attend our Meetups -- it shouldn't say that!
You're perfectly welcome to attend Libertarian Party meetings and
other pro-freedom Meetups (I believe I noticed you also joined the SF
Liberty Coalition Meetup; thanks!), as are other members of the
public. We'd be delighted to have you.
To *vote* as a Libertarian Party member, I believe our rules say that
in order to join the party as a member and vote at party meetings, you
have to register to vote Libertarian if you are *eligible* to do so.
If someone isn't a citizen and therefore is not legally allowed by
government to register to vote, then my understanding is that you are
free to join the LP as a voting member without being a registered
Love & Liberty,
((( starchild )))
Outreach Director, Libertarian Party of San Francisco
P.S. - I think I vaguely recall your inquiry about marijuana research,
but am not sure I remember where you said you teach; is it at USF? I'm
very interested in trying to help organize local libertarian student
groups, if you ever have any leads on students at your school who
might be interested in forming one.