Matching funds?


  Are we earning so much in interest, that you feel it is vital for the
LPSF to make sure it sits on an undiminishing perpetual bank balance?

Love & Liberty,
        ((( starchild )))

Hi Starchild,

No, no interest being earned at all. But, let's definitely discuss use of funds at the next LPSF meeting. I do not foresee so much minds being changed, as making a bona fide attempt to determine what the ExCom and membership wants from two fundamentally opposing mindsets -- on one hand, the money is there, let's spend it on worthwhile projects; on the other hand, the money is there for fixed expenses and true emergencies (which do not include projects), so let's spend what we earn only.

BTW, $380 is a pretty respectable pledge, with which we could have filed a short 65 or so word statement. So, we also need to discuss forward planning, as Rob suggested.

Anyway, thank you Starchild for trying so hard. You have my appreciation.



  I'm curious what you would consider a "true emergency." A "fixed
expense," of course, is merely an expense which is expected and
recurring, not one which is automatically of greater importance than a
"worthwhile project" in the overall scheme of things.

  By way of comparison, your last email below to which I'm responding
(within the dotted lines) is 132 words long. So a 65-word argument
would have been short indeed! Not room to say much beyond simply
stating the LPSF's opposition to the measure. Given the $200 minimum
charge to get anything published, it seems worthwhile to me to make
our arguments a bit longer if at all possible.

  Thank you for your appreciation, and I continue to appreciate the
work you put in as well.

Love & Liberty,
        ((( starchild )))

Hi Starchild,

Having known you for so long, I can predict with certainty what you are going to seize upon and run with : - ) That was the case with the true emergency! As you say, a fixed expense is a recurring commitment, like paying rent. An operating expense is more discretionary but still part of what you are supposed to do, like purchasing supplies or advertising if you own a business. An emergency or contingency is an unexpected expense, like somebody suing you. Filing a paid argument, to me, clearly falls in the operating expense category. And we old-fashioned folk believe that current operating expenses need to come from current operating income. Otherwise, I would be voting for Obama's health care proposal!!
