Marijuana Party open house party this Friday (223 9th St., SF, 420pm until ???)

The previously announced event has been rescheduled for this Friday. This is happening at an office space that the LP may potentially be able to share with the Marijuana Party, which seems quite open to working with Libertarians. I hope to see a few of you down there.

Yours in liberty,
        <<< Starchild >>>

The California Marijuana Party invites you to a Open House Jam Session

Saturday, August 27th 4:20pm-???

223A 9th St. San Francisco
Come on by and check out the CAMJP Bookstore and Headquarters. Food & drink provided. Live music & Karaoke. Bring an instrument or your voice and join in on the jam session, or just soak up the atmosphere and feel good.

The California Marijuana Party is a chapter of the United States Marijuana Party, which is devoted to ending marijuana prohibition and the war on drugs. Yes it is a real organization with over 25 state parties. The US Marijuana Party was founded in November 2002. We are one of the fastest growing political parties.

Please visit our website at:
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