Making sure we're not misidentified as conservatives (was: Marketing...)


  I think you're missing Steve's point here. WE as libertarians
generally know that our stands on recalling Davis, voting yes on Prop.
54, and reducing taxes are derived from being pro-freedom, not from
being conservative. Non-libertarians generally DON'T realize this. Most
politically aware people who are not libertarians would identify these
positions as conservative.

  I don't think Steve was implying that Libertarians are conservatives.
It's that we too often come across that way to others. Unless we want
to be marginalized on the right as the Reform Party was, we must take
care not to let the priorities we choose create the perception of
right-wing bias. There are plenty of positions on which libertarians
can agree with people on the left. Why not highlight these views as
much as the views that conservatives are comfortable with? That's all...

Yours in liberty,
                <<< Starchild >>>


Let me answer:

1. Recalling Davis is not Conservative, it's very pro-freedom.
2. Voting yes on 54 is not pro-Conservative, it's anti-racism.
3. Reducing taxes is not pro-Conservative, it's Libertarian.
4. And the Ned Roscoe thing... I didn't hear you complain before the

What's on that page rotates.
It changes to follow what's topical.
As well, the ExCom (Soon to be called the Board of Directors)
doesn't really micromanage it, and frankly, the Webmaster has
a mind of his own.

On that same page, we prominently display the Political Personality
prominent CA Libertarians elected to office. There are women and Arabs
and Jews and Libertarians from all over the state.

It's really tough when each person has their pet project and pet peeve.
Instead of accusing, ask. Instead of assuming we're against you,
a positive approach and join forces.

I can tell you that at best one out of four ideas I have gets into the
CA Libertarian
newspaper. Not one picture I have ever submitted has made it, save my
Less than one in ten articles I submit get into the paper. And this,
from someone
that lobbied long and hard to get the editor her job. This from
someone that
considers her a close friend.

The same goes for the website.
Not one of my ideas and very few of my suggestions have made it.
We have trusted the leaders of the website and the CA newspapers
with executive decision making and rarely, if ever, usurp their

But, again.
Should you desire change, instead of attacking those who are your
ideological peers, ally with them. Instead of tearing them down,
support them and engage them in dialogue to add your positive
voice for change.

Now, for truth in labeling, I was pro-war on Iraq and Afghanistan.
As were somewhere around 45-50% of Libertarians.

But on to the Green Party question:

The Green Party is not truly in favor of Civil Liberties,
any more than the ACLU. They are not pro gay rights, they
are for preferential treatment for certain minorities. And there
is no way they're for ending prohibition. They are sometimes
pro-medical marijuana and for government treatment for

They are clearly anti-freedom Socialist, hiding behind a
false veil of Environmentalism and shifting, waffling policies
and zero principles.

I want no part of them.

On the last few issues, I am anti-war, pro self-defense.
I am for bringing 50 to 90% of our overseas troops home
immediately. And then, discussing how many more we can
station here. That's the stand of most on the ExCom.
And, most on the ExCom (I guess 55-60%) were anti-war
in Afghanistan or Iraq.

I'm not anti-Bush, considering him
a darn sight better than Gore. I am very anti some of his
policies and will focus on that. I haven't polled the ExCom,
so I'll just say that us being anti Bush and anti everything
doesn't resonate with most folks.

What does, can and will resonate is a full-spectrum, principled
approach to freedom.

I don't really know how to end this letter...

But, I can tell you that you're incorrect.
We welcome input and suggestions.
We get far more than we can use.
But, I have never seen anything from you or anyone
on this subject before. Sending two things in to our
newspaper does not make us against you. It means you
have to keep trying. It means you have to make allies and
friends on the ExCom and from time to time make your

In fact, we're so open, that we set time aside at every meeting
for members and even non-members to make presentations.

If you really want to make a difference, make friends, not

Patiently yours,

Bruce Cohen

From: "Steve Dekorte" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, October 13, 2003 10:27 PM
Subject: Re: [lpsf-discuss] Marketing Strategy

> > While I applaud and agree with both your view that we should
> > 'customize'
> > our message to the group we're cultivating and the view that
> > Libertarian
> > messages should be 'full-spectrum', as an ExCom member, I feel
> > we've given you the wrong impression.
> >
> > Under no circumstances and in no situation have I ever seen, heard
> > felt any minimalization of Libertarian issues, 'fringe' or not.
> >
> > Every single member of the ExCom is fully committed to equal rights
> > for gays and to end drug prohibition.
> Ok, imagine you're someone with no knowledge of the LP and you look
> the state party page:
> The primary messages seem to me to be:
> - recall Davis (conservative)
> - yes on 54 (conservative)
> - reduce taxes (conservative)
> - vote for Ned Roscoe, a guy that has made a fortune from selling a
> product that kills people (not exactly appealing to liberals)
> What impression do you come away with of the LP?
> Where is the anti-war, anti-bush, pro-civil liberties, pro-gay
> drug legalization message? These are the messages that are causing
> people to flock to the Greens. Why have we buried them?
> -- Steve
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