
Greetings my Libertarian Friends: The only real political issue remaining in America is the tension between the Evangelical Republicans and the Free Market Republicans. The Democrats will wander in the desert for the next forty years. We live in the Bay Area Bubble, so it takes some work to see anything objectively. So, whence the LP? Years ago, Eric Garris, Justin Raymondo, others (and I) saw this coming and formed the nascent Libertarian/Republican Caucus. In my humble opinion, the LP in-mass should merge-with and/or infiltrate the GOP, and affect its candidate selection and platform. It should work as a "Cato Foundation" of activists within that party. Libertarians will get a lot farther swimming with the tide (in trunks of red, white and blue) than swimming against it (in trunks of anarchist black). It took a hundred years to grow this cancer-like Leviathan of Big Government we are saddled with and it will take generations of work to reverse any significant part of it. We are not effective as a third party (nobody ever is in America) but we can be effective as dedicated activists in the dominant and to a large extent welcoming party.