Dear All,
Well, interesting event. Most of us were at the door of the Main Library Room at 3:00 pm sharp, knowing that we were told that if we overstayed our time we would be boiled in oil or something. However, some "hearing" in the room went on till around 3:15. Talk about a lot of talk about me and thee but nothing about thee and me!
I personally felt Ann from the Patrol Special Police did a super job acquainting us with the work of this private police, especially since one of their officers died this morning. Talk about do what you have to do regardless! We had already voted to support this organization a couple of meetings ago. However, Starchild and Michael raised some concerns (Patrol responding to "victimless crimes"), so we are back to square one. We will vote again, this time for good, whether to support or not at the next meeting. If you would like to post your questions or thoughts prior to the meeting, please do so in order to save meeting time.
Leslie acquainted us with the Fix Muni Now initiative for the November ballot. We voted to support this effort. Rob will put the matter up on our website.
Rob confirmed he paid for a booth at the Pride Festival. I and others will be volunteering to staff such booth. More volunteers would be welcome.
Ron's flier, which he asked me to present in his absence (Ron met with a emergency) fell under necessary triage given time constraints. Ron posted the flier on this list. Unless I hear an outcry from several of you, I would like to proceed with the flier as is. If and when Starchild produces a new flier containing all the revisions that he suggests and posts that copy-ready flier for our consideration, we will "vote" on which to retain. The point here is Ron's flier strikes at the differences between the parties (of special note Republicans, now claiming the mantle of libertarianism) while the iron is hot; no point discussing this to death and publishing the flier when the topic is no longer of significance.
If I forgot something, please feel free to post. So much goes on at out monthly meetings. If you are missing the meetings you are missing a lot of excitement!
Les Mangus acquainted us with the gathering of signatures