Dear All,
We had a good meeting today. One of our top notch activists, Marc Joffe, is back in San Francisco, and has rejoined our group. Marc is considering replacing Rob as LPSF Webmaster when Rob moves to New York. Our newest member, Aubrey Freedman, has started the ball rolling in making sure Libertarians have a say in the Elections Booklet come June elections; Aubrey and Ron Getty, our Initiative/Ballot Chair, as well as Jawj Greenwald, will see that our voice is heard (Starchild was unable to attend the meeting, but my bet goes that he also will be involved in this effort).
Election of LPSF Officers resulted in the 2010 ExCom becoming the 2011 ExCom: Les Mangus, Treasurer; Jawj Greenwald, Secretary; Ron Getty, Vice Chair; Marcy Berry, Chair (you should have been there to understand!). ExCom and membership present made it an LPSF priority to 1) bring in new, young activists into the group; and 2) have an impact in the coming elections (we will start with the ballot arguments, and grow from there).
Thanks to Aubrey for agreeing to store the LPSF booth tent and tables in his basement, and for everybody who volunteered to help staff the Outright Libertarian booth at the Pride Festival, Libertarians will have a presence at Pride. Rob promised to provide me with the information necessary to reserve the booth space.
We will continue to meet at the 1st Floor Conference Room at the San Francisco Main Library.