Dear Starchild;
This notice below was sent out by Justin on FRIDAY evening but YAHOO
did not post or forward until sometime SATURDAY Noonish or later.
It is one of the problems we have had with Yahoo groups on postings
and forwardings taking place half a day to a day later. The same
thing applies to LPSF-Discuss groups. I sent out the eye ball
popping to LPSF Discuss Saturday morning but it just got posted this
morning D'OH!!! Yahoo.
Yes we had a long and fruitful meeting late yesterday afternoon into
the early evening hours and a finalized(???)verison is being
reviewed by the EX Comm.
With their approval it will be posted as a word.doc on the files
section LPSF Activists for everyones review and ultimately legal
verbiage review.
I think you may like the newer snappier shorter version.
Ron Getty
SF Libertarian
--- In, "Justin T. Sampson"
<justin@...> wrote:
The LPSF Executive Committee (which comprises the four officers of
Party) will be meeting tomorrow, Saturday, March 17, at Video Cafe on
Geary Blvd. at 21st Ave. in the Richmond District. Only officers may
make motions or vote at the meeting, but other members are welcome to
attend. Please let me know if you plan to be there.
Please remember that comments on the wording of the proposed police
priorities initiative must be submitted for discussion on this
list well before the meeting in order to be considered at the
--- End forwarded message ---
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