LPSF Discussions

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I have finally finished digging out from the deluge of mail from the last
week. It's great to see such active discussion.

I might suggest that for broader philosophical discussions, there are
other, more appropriate fora on the Internet; any libertarian in the world
is qualified to comment on private ownership of nuclear weapons and the
economic theory of monopolies, while the LPSF is uniquely qualified to
worry about addressing homelessness and adverse business climates in San

That said, I certainly won't take steps to censor anyone (nor do I think I
could if I wanted to); I just want to reiterate Starchild's request to keep
one eye on practical matters in our community. I would rather have
vigorous abstract discussion than a wasteland, though.

- --
Conservative, n. A statesman who is enamored of existing evils, as
distinguished from the Liberal, who wishes to replace them with others.
~Ambrose Bierce / Freelance text nerd: <URL: http://crism.maden.org/ >
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