LPSF Analysis of Propositions on Novemb 6 Ballot

Hi Les, Aubrey, and All,

I had been thinking of proposing a new, temporary section on the LPSF website Main Menu entitled "November 6 Elections," but had not done so because I had not had time to general content.

Les, you said we could use content from your writing on Prop A, and hopefully from other of your writings on the other propositions. Would you be willing to let me post that on the website, and promote it on our LPSF Facebook page? If so, I would propose posting under your name; but if you prefer, I could post under "Elections Work Group" as I have done with the LPSF recommendations, etc. (the website does not allow for nameless articles).



You can post it. I don't care if you want to post under my name, but ......I am
thinking maybe the Libertarian Party of SF could get some traction if I looks
like a party position and not just my position. But you have my permission to do
it either way.
