LPSF Agenda for 1/14/06

Hi All,

Here is the Agenda for our next meeting 1/14/06, cut and pasted below and uploaded in the Files Section of this List.

Hope to see you all at the meeting (Round Table Pizza, 16th Ave and Geary, 3:00 pm)



LPSF Agenda: January 14, 2006

Meeting Starts 3:00 pm
Welcome and Introductions / New Agenda Items :05 3:05 pm
Officer Reports :05 3:10 pm
Treasurer: Michael Acree
Secretary: Jawj Greenwald
Vice Chair: Phil Berg
Chair: Marcy Berry
Committee Reports
Membership :10 3:20 pm
Development: Chris Maden
Membership Count: Bryce Bigwood
Database: Bryce Bigwood
                 Marcy Berry
                    Report from M. Carlin on 1/7/06: Old LPCA database
                    is current as of 12/16/05 and can be used for January
                    county elections. New statewide database developed by
                    Kevin Takenaga is now up and current as of 9/30/05; it
                    will be ready for use when new members since 9/30/05
                    are entered.
                    Report from Dan Wiener 12/21/05: LPCA passed a
                    motion revising memberships, so that they will all run on
                    a calendar-year basis.
Communications :05 3:25 pm
Communications: Chris Maden
Website: Bryce Bigwood
Public Access Television: Phil Berg
Newsletter: Justin Sampson
Elections :10 3:35 pm
Announcements: Marcy Berry
    Michael Badnarik running for Texas Congressional District 10
   Website: www.badnarik.org<http://www.badnarik.org/>
    Jay Eckl is chairing a committee to promote Tom McClintock's
   eminent domain Constitutional Amendment ballot initiative. Jay
   is looking for a representative from each county. To reach Jay
   email: Jae4free@aol.com<mailto:Jae4free@aol.com>
Initiatives: Ron Getty
   Status of LPSF proposed initiatives. Research? Time lines?
Bylaws - Chris Maden :05 3:40 pm
Outreach - Starchild :05 3:45 pm
    Status of Outreach Poster
Social Event :05 3:50 pm
Announcements :05 3:55 pm
Old Business
Activism - Jawj Greenwald :15 4:10 pm
New Business
LPCA Convention February 24 - 27, 2006 :05 4:15 pm
     Delegates going to the Convention:
          Phil Berg
          Marcy Berry
          Bryce Bigwood (maybe)
          Mike Denny
          Mike Edelstein
    Delegate volunteering to serve in the Program Committee:
    Delegate volunteering to serve in the Platform Committee:
Election of LPSF Officers for 2006: :45 5:00 pm
    Nominations for Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer, Secretary
    Votes by paper ballot for those nominated