[lpradicals] More media for prostitution decriminalization measure

Thanks, Michael! But it didn't stop there -- I did four more interviews today! The Brian Lehrer show out of NPR affiliate WNYC in New York (http://www.wnyc.org/shows/bl/episodes/2008/07/21), the XBN sex worker radio network (http://www.blogtalkradio.com/swopeast), Max Pringle for the evening news on Berkeley community radio station KPFA (http://www.kpfa.org/archives/index.php?arch=27449 - starts around 31:45 on the audio), and to top it off, CNN this afternoon (http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/bestoftv/2008/07/21/pn.prostitute.free.pass.cnn?iref=videosearch), which turned out to be a total ambush hit piece. They didn't tell me there would be another guest, San Francisco District Attorney Kamala Harris, or that the host was going to be blatantly biased in her favor as well as giving her more time to speak, or that they were going to put other stuff on the screen such as my arrest (not that I care about them publicizing that, although it would have been nice if they noted I was acquitted), etc.

  Although the D.A. tried to laugh it off like I was saying something ridiculous, I have it on good authority that while running for reelection a couple years back she *did* say during a PAC endorsement meeting of the politically powerful left-leaning Harvey Milk Democratic Club that she was an "honorary sex worker" in response to a statement from someone who was present. A woman named Maggie Rubenstein was kind of taking Kamala to task for ducking a question from decriminalization proponent Maxine Doogan about not responding to her information requests to the D.A.'s office, and in the course of telling Kamala of her own history of activism on the issue, claimed to be an honorary sex worker. Kamala responded, to laughter, that "I'm an honorary sex worker too" (and then continued to duck the original question).

  Tomorrow is our actual press conference -- hopefully that will be good for a few more stories, if the media creature isn't already satiated. 8)

Love & Liberty,
        ((( starchild )))

P.S. - San Francisco Supervisor Jake McGoldrick's office has asked me to alert people to the fact that there was an error in the press release I previously posted -- McGoldrick wants you to know he did *not* sign the petition to help get our measure on the ballot. His wife signed. I hope he isn't running scared; today he ducked out of doing us a very simple favor (using a perk of his office to get us the free use of a podium and microphone for our press conference/rally in front of City Hall tomorrow from the building's media office).

And I heard you this morning on KGO-AM Radio's drive-time news program.
They used only one brief sentence from you clarifying the intent of the
proposition (e.g., to de-fund the police efforts to harass sex workers), but
it was certainly effective as a counterpoint to Kamala Harris' ridiculous
assertion that this measure would "legalize prostitution in San Francisco."

Terry Floyd

Behalf Of Starchild