You are not being very sincere about this when it is you Mark Axinn who
caused these actions to happen and it is YOU who are refusing to allow the
Queens Chapter to chose its own representatives.
It is also YOU Mark Axinn who caused a non-Libertarian and indeed an
Anti-Libertarian Warren Redlich to become the so-called Libertarian Party
Candidate for New York Governor, when he had never joined the Libertarian
Party, had never signed a membership application or signed the pledge and
had never paid the $25 dues to join the LP nor had he ever advocated views
consistent with the Libertarian Philosophy and yet you manipulated the
proceedings to make him the Libertarian Candidate For Governor.
When you state below that you "sincerely hope that this matter can be
resolved" what you are really saying is you hope that we will go away and
the Queens Chapter will elect officers more to your liking,.
However, we are hoping that you will go away so that we can take back our
Party that you have hijacked.
Sam Sloan