Lori sent you a message: November 2012 Ballot endorsements

FYI, this request for info about our ballot recommendations. What should I tell her?

Love & Liberty,
                               ((( starchild )))

What is she asking? Recommendations?

As an aside, I am wondering if we should post LPSF recommendations on the issues section of the LPSF website then move them to the front page closer to elections. I agree with Aubrey too early for font page right now.


Post it in its own section of the home page, and leave it there until
one day after the election. (If that is hard with the content
management system (CMS) you have, make it a “sticky post,” if you can
do that, instead.) Absolutely make it available to all inquirers from
now until election day.

After the election, take it down, but make a news post comparing your
recommendations to the actual vote.

Then move to New Hampshire.

- --
Chris Maden, text nerd <URL: http://crism.maden.org/ >
LIVE FREE: vote for Gary Johnson, Libertarian for President.
     <URL: http://garyjohnson2012.com/ > <URL: http://lp.org/ >
GnuPG fingerprint: DB08 CF6C 2583 7F55 3BE9 A210 4A51 DBAC 5C5C 3D5E

Chris, there is a reason why we miss you!! Not that I understand zip of the website-type language, but I think you might be talking about making a section on the Main Menu, like "2012 Elections" or something like that, and post all the election recommendations there now; modify with elections results, then unpublish after the elections. I can do that! But, maybe as an extra step, also publish on the front page for a few days before the election, if it pleases the Chair and membership. If I totally misunderstood, let me know.

Thanks heaps.


Hi Marcy and All! Let's wait until after this Saturday's meeting to post on our website as described below. We had one (what I consider) minor ballot measure left over from the last meeting that I didn't have time to get to. We can vote on that one and then all our ballot measures are decided. I wouldn't wait, though, until a few days before the election to publish on the front page. Once the booklets get mailed in early October (and voting by mail begins right after that), I think that's the time to put it on our front page. Best to accommodate the folks who vote so early these days.


No, that’s about it. The means are — well, not immaterial, but only a
means — secondary to the goal of giving interested voters, few as they
may be, information they are looking for. Even people who aren’t
necessarily likely to vote with the LP (reporters, progressives,
conservatives) should still be reminded that we exist and are, in
fact, a political party participating in the political process.

Aubrey is probably right to wait until the last recommendation is

For an example of a post-election analysis, see some late 2002, 2003,
or 2004 newsletter; I didn’t do a press release for those, and so
didn’t save any copies.

The other reason you miss me is New Hampshire. (-: When will I see
you all there?

- --
Chris Maden, text nerd <URL: http://crism.maden.org/ >
LIVE FREE: vote for Gary Johnson, Libertarian for President.
     <URL: http://garyjohnson2012.com/ > <URL: http://lp.org/ >
GnuPG fingerprint: DB08 CF6C 2583 7F55 3BE9 A210 4A51 DBAC 5C5C 3D5E


  Speaking personally, I'm not quite sure what it would take to get me to move, but I could imagine being tempted by the right job offer. Maybe something libertarian-related, or live-in companion for a wealthy retiree? :slight_smile:

Love & Liberty,
                                 ((( starchild )))

Yes, I think she wants to see our recommendations. Do one of you have them written up in electronic form to send her what we've voted on so far (my recommendation), or should we tell her they aren't ready yet?

Love & Liberty,
                                 ((( starchild )))

Possible. There are a lot of entrepreneurs in the FSP, some of whom
are doing well enough to hire other people. Keith Murphy’s bar in
Manchester, for instance, is doing quite well AFAIK. There are a few
farms and intentional communities going as well, depending on how you
feel about manual labor. Along entrepreneurial lines... I suspect
there is an unfilled market niche for a male burlesque dancing venue.
Go for it!

You can also check the jobs board on freestateproject.org.

- --
Chris Maden, text nerd <URL: http://crism.maden.org/ >
LIVE FREE: vote for Gary Johnson, Libertarian for President.
     <URL: http://garyjohnson2012.com/ > <URL: http://lp.org/ >
GnuPG fingerprint: DB08 CF6C 2583 7F55 3BE9 A210 4A51 DBAC 5C5C 3D5E