[Lnc-discuss] Convention scholarships / Floor fees


  You make a good point about the LNC and not the Convention Oversight Committee setting policy. I will do as you suggest and make a motion concerning floor fees, including language about a check box as I propose below. Suggestions for motion language are welcome.

  I've heard numerous Libertarians say they have deliberately purchased less expensive convention packages than they would have otherwise, or no package at all, due to the floor fee issue. Perhaps some of the LP members copied on this message can weigh in with further evidence on that point.

Love & Liberty,
                                   ((( starchild )))
At-Large Representative, Libertarian National Committee

P.S. - I copied the Bylaws discussion list ( bylaws-discuss@... ) on my last email, but got an error message back from that list. Is there a new list address for Bylaws discussion? By the way, who receives emails sent to bylaws@...?