Libertarian Speaking At SFVS On Saturday 7:30 PM (5/8/04)

SF Vegetarian Society Event
Saturday, May 8, 6:00 p.m.

Socializing; 6:30 p.m.
Dining; 7:30 p.m.

Program: "Overcoming Addictions," a lecture by Dr. Michael Edelstein,
author and clinical psychologist.

Where: Flood Building, 870 Market Street
entrance or 71 Ellis Street entrance, near Powell, Conference Room
#1185, San Francisco.

Parking: On street or garage across street on Ellis.
All Market Street busses and street cars or BART with Powell exit.

Cost: Free for members and students with food; $1 for non-members with
food; $10 for everyone without food. Check our POTLUCK GUIDELINES
( for protocol.

Dr. Michael Edelstein co-authored Three Minute Therapy:
Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life, a book-of-the-month selection.
He is past president of the Association of Behavior Cognitive Therapy
and was supervisor at the Albert Ellis Institute in New York. At our
meeting, he will discuss techniques on overcoming anxiety, depression,
relationship problems, and addictions-including unhealthy eating, meat
eating, or overeating. Dr. Edelstein has been a vegetarian for 20
years (10 as a vegan) and is an SFVS member. He presently practices in
San Francisco and gives counseling in person or by appointment or by
telephone. He can be reached at 415-673-2848 or by email at His website is