As a reminder, at the last meeting the body voted NOT to endorse this
repeal. So, it will now take a 2/3 majority to even re-start the
discussion, via a motion to reconsider that vote, and again 3/4 on the
actual vote since it's an endorsement on a state initiative, according to
our bylaws.
"The LPSF may or may not take positions on state or national races or
measures in accordance with the wishes of members. Where there is a lack of
consensus, a ¾ majority shall decide the question."
I was mistaken at the last meeting when I said it was 2/3, but since we
failed to get even 2/3, much less 3/4, the decision not to endorse the
initiative still stands.
I'm hoping that if someone from Restore Equality 2010 actually (finally)
makes the effort to attend one of our meetings in person, 2/3 will be
generous enough to vote to reconsider, so that the guest may speak, even if
the endorsement once again fails to get its 3/4 majority once the speaker
has finished. My personal request: If someone from Restore Equality 2010
shows up, and you are planning to vote No on the endorsement, please explain
to them why (i.e., because it codifies into law the bit about two persons,
which you think discriminates against poly marriages, etc.). If they're
going to be disgusted with us, it should be for us being too liberal on the
marriage issue, and not too conservative.