Libertarian Party of San Francisco California: U.S. Presidential Election Forum [6 Attachments]

Hi Hongjik,

  Thank you for your message inviting the Libertarian Party to take part in your student government's election forum November 5. From your description of the format, it promises to be an interesting and engaging event, and as an underrepresented political party, I'm sure we would like to send some folks to participate. I am copying representatives of the LP in the East Bay on this message so they can be in touch with you for this and any future events you may be hosting, and I will attend myself if I can.

  I do appreciate you warning us about the parking fee however (as minor as it may be). As you may or may not be aware, unlike the establishment cartel parties (Republicans and Democrats) the Libertarian Party gets virtually nothing in the way of special interest money from corporations and unions, nor do we receive any of the subsidies that student governments and student groups often do -- nearly all of our support comes from voluntary individual contributions and typically in cases like this, activists covering their costs out of pocket. Whoever comes to DVC on Nov. 5th would almost certainly be a volunteer (we have precisely one paid employee in California) traveling at his or her own expense. Therefore if you can get us parking fee waivers for at least a couple vehicles, it would be appreciated.

  Have you invited members of the media (campus and otherwise) to cover the event? If you have or plan to do so, please feel free to forward them my contact information as a representative of the Libertarian Party available for interviews. We would also be interested in making contact with any teachers at your school who might wish to have LP representatives come and speak to their classes, now or in the future, and welcome any assistance that the ASDVC may be able to provide in this regard.

  Feel free to call me or email me any time if you have questions or there is anything I can do to help. If you have a flier or other announcement of your election forum in electronic form, I would be happy to forward it to various lists to help spread the word.

Love & Liberty,
                                 ((( starchild )))
Outreach Director, Libertarian Party of San Francisco
Elected Representative, Libertarian National Committee
                              (415) 625-FREE

P.S. - Here are a few graphics you are welcome to use for promotional purposes if you find them useful: