June 2 - Sex Work Rights rallies

Thanks, Jeff and Greg.

That makes three of our officers, and I haven’t seen anyone else weigh in, so I will send along the LPSF logo to go on the flier and online postings for the events.

And yes, Jeff sadly will be leaving us early next month, at least physically – he’s told me he’ll still participate in and assist the LPSF from afar. Let’s all wish him luck in aiding the Free State Project goal of making New Hampshire a free beacon to the world!

We all should do what we can to support freedom in NH remotely, too – the Free State Project may be one of the more promising things happening in the freedom movement. Here are a few sites to check out related to libertarian activism in the “Live Free Or Die” state:


Love & Liberty,

((( starchild )))


-----Original Message-----
From: jeff via LPSF Forum