It's 11am, do we know where our rebuttal is?

We have to file by noon! I can't reach Aubrey... Just left messages on his numbers.

Love & Liberty,
                               ((( starchild )))

Hi All! I filed Matt's final argument for the rebuttal that was posted at 1:52 AM Monday morning at the Department of Elections yesterday morning. Done. Thanks to both Starchild and Matt for their incredible work on the project. And I thought this was going to be a boring election season! Now the real work of promoting our argument (and the LPSF by doing so) in the upcoming months. Another opportunity for the LPSF to become more visible and help promote the ideas of libertarianism in this city.

By the way, when I got home yesterday, there were 2 messages from Quentin Kopp on my machine. He is interested but of course it was too late for the rebuttal. I left him a nice message and will fax over the arguments and our rebuttal today and see if he's interested in aligning with us in the months ahead as we promote our argument. It doesn't hurt that he writes a column for the monthly West Portal paper the Westsider that perhaps if he agrees with us, maybe we might get some positive mention in his column.

No time for a separate email now, so thanks to Denny and Francoise for your contributions to the Election Fund. Also while I was down at the Department of Elections yesterday I picked up the latest official registration list that they just updated last week, so we will be working with the latest addresses and email addresses in our upcoming publicity/membership drive. My last attempt at membership recruitment using the DOE membership list produced dismal results (as Francoise mentioned with previous attempts), but we will not give up.


I think this is great what Starchild is doing. This is the most important
issue facing state and local governments all across America and it is an
issue that Libertarians can finally win on.

Without addressing the particular issues involving the San Francisco
proposition, too often voters approve debts that somebody else will have to
pay years from now.

Every city has huge amounts of money, billions of dollars, tied up in
pension obligations. The San Francisco plan, that creates even more
obligations, is terrible and the voters need to be told that.

Japan has a nifty solution to this problem. The Minister of Finance of
Japan recently suggested that all elderly retired people in Japan should
commit suicide, to save the Japanese Government of the obligation to pay
their pensions !!

Sam Sloan