INSECURE AIRPORT SECURITY Libertarian Solution To Airport Insecurity

Dear Everyone;

TSA Airplane security is a myth compounded on a fable highlighted by fatuously bureaucratic flatulence

Is EVERY cleaning person - maintenance person - catering delivery person - fueling person -luggage/cargo hold delivery person and last but not least Ramp Rats inspected before each one boards or goes anywhere near an airplane EACH TIME THEY HAVE TO GO ABOARD OR NEAR AN AIRLINER???

Until this happens each time to each person having access to an airliner the passenger security system is pure BUSHBULL and does nothing for passenger safety or security or airplane security.

As Chicken Little said most recently in Wash.DC " Run for cover it's a Cessana 125 we're doomed - we're doomed - we're doomed ...." This after spending billions on National Security
for Wash DC.

Ron Getty
SF Libertarian

"Dr. Michael R. Edelstein" <dredelstein@...> wrote: