I Vote "NO" - Re: Convention agreement

Lauren and fellow ExCom members,

  I have not seen any responses to my email message below. Nor have I seen any votes from anyone, which makes me think that people are perhaps voting secretly by sending their votes only to the Secretary rather than posting them publicly. Although I do not recall our committee specifically discussing it, I believe such a practice is contrary to the intent if not perhaps to the letter of Bylaw 12, Section 4 (see below), as well as being contrary to good governance practices of sunshine and transparency. All of our email voting should be done in full public view where committee members and other party members can see the votes as they are cast, as is the case when we meet in person.

  As noted below, I think a vote on this proposed agreement without any discussion amongst ourselves of what is in it or how it might possibly be improved is premature. Therefore, since the clock is apparently ticking, I VOTE NO, and encourage other members to do likewise. If we simply vote this down, that doesn't mean it goes away -- we voted to hold the convention in Ventura, and there will be an agreement. It just means we can take the time to discuss what's in front of us and then vote on whatever motion(s) may come out of that discussion.

Love & Liberty,
                                  ((( starchild )))

P.S. - Here is the text of Bylaw 12, Section 4:

Bylaw 12, Section 4

The Executive Committee may, without meeting together, transact business by mail by
voting on questions submitted by the Secretary at the request of at least two members of
the Executive Committee. Unless a secret ballot is requested when the question is moved,
which will require either postal mail ballots or technical capabilities beyond standard e-
mail, all such votes shall be counted and recorded by the Secretary as Roll Call votes. The
Executive Committee will complete voting any time after forty-eight hours from the
transmission time of the mail ballot:

A. If the motion has received Yea votes from two-thirds of the Executive Committee
members, or
B. If the motion has received Nay votes from two-thirds of the Executive Committee
members, or
C. After one hundred twenty hours in all other cases.

An alternate's vote will not be counted towards the two-thirds requirement unless it is
definitely known that a corresponding voting member will not be participating. Members
may change their vote up to the close of the voting period. If, at the expiration of the
applicable period, a quorum of the Executive Committee has not voted, the measure being
voted upon shall be deemed to have failed.
The Secretary shall preserve all such votes until the next meeting of the Executive
Committee at which meeting the Executive Committee shall order the disposition of such votes.

P.P.S. - Please note corrected email address for Alan Pyeatt in the headers; I had been using another address for him which he says is outdated.