Help Prevent the Board of Supervisors From Expanding Their Power at the Expense of SF Taxpayers!

Hi Starchild. I will pledge $25.00. I am on vacation and will pay up when I get back. My home number is (415) 333-0345, and my cell number is (415) 845-6165 (no cell service in the mountains, which is where we will be).

Thanks for speaking up against those people!
Aubrey Freedman

Hi Aubrey,

  Thank you very much for your pledge! Unfortunately, unless a bunch more money comes in during the next 45 minutes or so, I am not going to have enough in contributions to file. Under ordinary circumstances I might try to make up the balance, but I have some unanticipated personal legal-related expenses coming up myself, and do not feel I can afford the extra expenditure at this time. If that is the case, all contributions will of course be returned and pledges annulled. I do very much appreciate your willingness to pitch in however.

Love & Liberty,
        ((( starchild )))

Hi Aubrey,

  I was going to call you, but am assuming you're not back from vacation yet. As you may have surmised from my last message to lpsf-announce, I unfortunately did not receive enough donations by filing time to go forward with it. But thanks again for your offer. Hopefully next year we will get something on the ballot.

  As always, you are invited and encouraged to come check out one of our local meetings (2nd Saturday each month, 3-5pm, see or socials (immediately after each meeting from 5-6pm, also 2nd Tuesday each month, 7pm, see, should you have an interest in doing so.

  There are often other things going on as well. A few SF, Bay Area and California upcoming events of possible interest:

• August 18 (7-9pm): (non-libertarian event) Commonwealth Club hosts SFDebate Meetup on immigration question (see This is $5 or free with club membership; I may be a presenter for the open borders position; people often go for drinks afterward
• August 19 (6-8pm): (non-libertarian event) Meeting to discuss priorities for spending park bond money, City Hall Room 305
• August 29 (530pm-9pm?): The Libertarian Party of California is hosting a fundraiser in Carmel with former presidential and gubernatorial candidate Ed Clark (see; $25 per person
• August 29 (9am-2pm): The Mises Institute is holding a one-day conference at the Intercontinental Hotel on Howard Street in SF (see; normally $85, discount $60 rate available, write me back for more details
• September 27 (1-4pm): The East Bay LP is having their annual "Wine & Liberty" event at a vineyard in Castro Valley (see, click on "Activities & Events", and scroll down for details).
• October 2-4: An experimental "seasteading" project led by the grandson of Milton Friedman is hosting a festival in the Sacramento river delta (see; $20-$100 sliding scale

  I encourage you to subscribe to our local email discussion list by signing up at, or sending an email to It's high-traffic, but you can always subscribe to the digest version, and a good way of getting to know people and finding out about stuff going on as well as both practical political stuff and theoretical/philosophical discussion.

Love & Liberty,
        ((( starchild )))