Actually I've presented ideas for solutions on all of the things you mention below. I attend almost every California and national convention, am running for office for the 5th time, and am probably in the top 5% or less of LP members in terms of activity level. I subscribe to, and participate on, multiple Libertarian email lists, read the LP's communications, etc. What more "showing up" and "being active" do I need to do in your opinion before I have the right to express dissatisfaction with some aspects of the party's operations? Your complaining about my constructive criticism is getting pretty old too!
Love & Liberty,
((( starchild )))
Dear Starchild;
Mike Seebeck wrote you about the darkened Liberty face: Lady Liberty's face is
darkened out until liberty is restored andthe light of freedom once again shines
on her.
That in my personal opinion is pure esoteric BS and the general public won't get
it and will only notice the darkened face. I think the concept sucks from here
to hell and back. If you have to 'splain you the symbolism then the symbolism is
pure BUSH WHA!!!
Do you Starchild know if that is the real reason why the face is darkened or is
Mike blowing smoke?
I will also query him directly as he is on my Face Book friends list. Although
that may not last long as I have always been so AGAINST that stupidity!!!
Ron Getty
Dear Starchild,
Count me in also as stating 1) The darkened face of Lady Liberty is rather weird, 2) Fancy Watergate digs are rather presumptuous given the comparatively small Libertarian base, 3) I feel perfectly comfortable stating what I think, even though I do not do anywhere near as much as you do for the Libertarian Party!
BTW effective leadership entails encouraging words, negotiation, and patience. Let's hope our LNC leadership possesses those qualities.
Dear Starchild and Marcy
Have you received the LPCA email about the new proposed State website? It also
uses the darkened face Liberty... aaaaarrrggghhh!!!
Ron Getty
Dear Ron,
Well, Lady Liberty with dark face was not the worst sin on the new website, in my personal opinion. The apparent effort to appear leading edge makes the new design look more appropriate for Coast to Coast with Art Bell than for a political party. But, maybe the new fancy functions will make viewer interaction easier.
One good thing, though COLOR! We need more of it to make our great LPSF website even greater.
Dear All;
regarding the statue of liberty and its darkened face this web site goes to a
Face Book poster picture and I believe you have to be on Face Book to open it...
but this is what statute of liberty symbolism is all about....easy to understand
and easy to figure out symbolism...
Ron Getty
Dear Marcy;
Color? We ain't got no color. We don't need no color. I don't have to show you
any stinking color.
Quote from the soon to be released straight to video movie: Treasure of the
Sierra Madre Color.
Ron Getty
Dear Ron,
Oh, OK. I'll just keep begging for COLOR!!! But, no, please no colorized Sierra Madre! Bart has purchased Casablanca colorized; Yuck!!
I feel much the same way. Someone else on the Grassroots Libertarians list asked Mike whether he just made that up, and he responded,
"Yep. As good as anything. One of these days people will realize that political success is 90% planning and the other 90% ad-libbing…"
I don't know the real history behind the hidden-face Liberty logo, I just know I've never cared for it. Seems like a perfect metaphor for an LP that wants to hide and downplay what it stands for, which is a mistake imho.
Love & Liberty,
((( starchild )))
Just came across this unsent email from last month...