Dear Amarcy;
To get to my South of Market job by CalTrans I usually end up on the 15 Third Muni line headed South. Last week while sitting at the back of the bus I heard a conversation among some young black males in their early 20's about what they were carrying on themselves and in their backpacks.
The whole conversation was totally none threatening to anyone it was among themselves but the jist was in order to protect themselves in certain parts of the Lower Third street area around Hunters Point Bayview and Sunnyside Ingleside they had to be packers or shooters.
The general talk revolved packers and shooters who used a burner and capped someone. At least they weren't talking about Thumpers. Thumpers being heavy duty cannons like .44 magnums and other .445 cannons..
I can guarantee these guys were not in anyway going to be turning their burners in no matter what law gets passed And I think I can gurantee not a gun they had was legal.
As an aside on the 15 headed south I heard a different group of slightly older black men and women maybe late 20's early 30's talking about what happened in New Orleans after Katrina from friends and relatives they knew. WOW!!! If only half of what was said was true the after Katrina screwup was an enormously awful monumental and totally abysmal F****P way beyond SNAFU and approaching TARFU level and almost FUBAR!!!.
Ron Getty
SF Libertarian
"Amarcy D. Berry" <amarcyb@...> wrote:
Good point about keeping the POA stand on Prop H in mind. This
proposition is so distressing to me as the mom of a young person. I
am hearing a lot from the young crowd about how this proposition will
save them from all the shootings. The good kids are pretty fearful
and grasping at straws. We need to do more outreach to the young!!
That's two pieces of good news! Fitting that the gun ban in
Brazil was
shot down by a criminal -- though I hope the Brazilians would have
defeated it even without the endorsement of an unpopular politician.
And I'm likewise delighted that the SF POA has lent its name
to such a
strong argument against Prop. H, even mentioning the Pink Pistols.
never would have expected it. This will be a terrific document to
in the event that any SF police groups come out in favor of gun
now or in the future.
Yours in liberty,
<<< Starchild >>>
> Thanks for the news about the Brazilian referendum, Mike. As a
> Brazilian, with friends and relatives in Brazil, I can attest that
> crime is of concern in Brazil. It appears that Brazilians knew
> than to believe that a gun ban would solve the problem. I hope
> Franciscans will come to the same conclusion. I find it
> that the Police Officers Association is OPPOSED to Prop H; their
> reasons below:
> Marcy
> POA Opposes Proposition H:
> San Francisco's Gun Ban InitiativeOctober 2005
> By Michael Nevin, Jr.
> Southern Station
> The San Francisco Gun Ban Initiative (Proposition H) will appear
> the next election ballot in November. Several supervisors have
> the ban as a step in curbing violence and increasing public
> The San Francisco Police Officers Association (POA), representing
> and women dedicated to a life of service to public safety, must
> evaluate any legislative effort affecting its membership. After
> careful review and analysis, the POA does not support the proposed
> ballot initiative that would nullify the personal choice of city
> residents to lawfully possess a handgun for selfdefense purposes.
> The Handgun Ban
> The proposed ordinance would prohibit San Francisco residents from
> possessing any handgun, and they would have 90 days to relinquish
> their property. The sale, manufacture, and distribution of
> would be prohibited. Visitors to the city would not be subject to
> ban if they are in compliance with applicable laws. Police
> and members of the military would also be exempt while "carrying
> the functions of his or her government employment." And it should
> noted that no exemption for retired members of our association or
> other law enforcement agencies is stated in the proposal.
> The role members of the police department, represented by the POA,
> will play in any door-to-door gun confiscation scheme is cause for
> concern.
> Nearly 22,000 handguns have been purchased by residents since
> according to the state attorney general's office.[1] But there is
> way to determine how many total guns exist because local
> are forbidden under state law from requiring firearms to be
> or licensed.
> It is unclear what database the city would utilize to track San
> Franciscans who have lawfully purchased handguns.
> National Statistics and Studies Do Not Favor the Handgun Ban
> According to the National Crime Victimization Survey, conducted
> 1993 through 2001, violent crime declined 54%; weapon violence was
> down 59%, and firearm violence decreased by 63%.[2]
> A study conducted by the Centers for Disease Control released in
> found no proof to support the claim that gun-control laws are
> effective in preventing violence. The task force found firearms-
> related injuries declined since 1993 despite approximately 4.5
> new firearms sold each year.[3]
> In December of 2004, the National Academy of Sciences released the
> findings of a study: "Firearms and Violence: A Critical
> Review." "Current research and data on firearms and violent crime
> too weak to support strong conclusions about the effects of
> measures to prevent and control gun violence," according to the
> [4]
> Guns are used defensively, according to some estimates, more than
> million times annually � four times more than the estimated use
of a
> gun in commission of a crime.[5]
> Case Study�Washington D.C.
> Washington D.C. provides a glimpse into gun prohibition after it
> banned handguns in 1976. How successful has our nation's capital
> in reducing violence? D.C. has consistently been dubbed "Murder
> Capital U.S.A.," dating back to the early 1990s. The Department of
> Justice found that guns accounted for 80 percent of Washington
> homicides between 1985 and 1994.[6] With a murder rate nearly 8
> the national rate, it is clear that something is not working. [7]
> Washington D.C. had a homicide rate of 44.2 per 100,000
population in
> 2003, while San Francisco had a homicide rate of 8.9 per 100,000
> 2003.
> D.C. had more than double the overall violent crime rate when
> to San Francisco in 2003.[8]
> FBI Uniform Crime Report� San Francisco
> In 1995 San Francisco had a population of 738,371. There were 99
> homicides and 10,903 violent crimes.
> In 2003 San Francisco had a population of 772,065. There were 69
> homicides and 5,725 violent crimes.
> From 1995 through 2003, the homicide rate decreased by 33.3% and
> violent crime rate decreased by 49.8% in San Francisco.
> Although San Francisco had an unusual number of homicides, 88, in
> 2004, the city has averaged 71 homicides each year over the past
> decade. 63 of the homicides in 2004 involved a firearm.[9]
> Societal Problem Not a Gun Problem
> We need to look no further than across the bay in Oakland to find
> anecdotal evidence highlighting the need for citizens to have
> lifesaving options when facing violent encounters. Patrick
> has spent a decade reporting drug dealers to police. He is the
face of
> the law-abiding citizen who lives with urban terror. When
> shot and wounded someone he believed was posing a threat to him,
> Alameda County D.A.'s office found that McCullough acted in self-
> defense.[10] McCullough may not live in a gated community or be
> to afford armed bodyguards, but he has an inalienable right to
> himself and his family.
> Jeff Weise, 16, killed his grandfather, who happened to be a
> police officer, before stealing his guns and going on a killing
> on the Red Lake Indian reservation in Minnesota. "Everything that
> did that day, practically from the moment he walked out of his
> bedroom, was a felony," said Joe Olson, a Hamline University law
> professor and president of the Gun Owners Civil Rights Alliance.
> Olson concluded, "I don't think any gun-control laws would have
made a
> difference."[11]
> To believe that the proposed handgun ban would have an impact on
> handgun violence, one would have to assume that criminals would
> actually abide by the new law. After all, criminals are
> responsible for the high crime rates and firearm violence.
> the very definition of a criminal, it would be hard to imagine
> such enlightenment would occur. In fact, both reason and empirical
> research suggest that most criminals are attracted to places where
> they meet less resistance.
> Guns and Violence�A Law Enforcement Approach The proposed handgun
> initiative states: "The presence of handguns poses a significant
> threat to the safety of San Franciscans." In reality, the
presence of
> criminals in possession of any firearm poses a significant threat
> the safety of all Americans. Guns are nothing more than a tool
that if
> in the wrong hands will hurt innocent people. 9/11, the worst
> terrorist attack on American soil, proved that box cutters and
> intentions could be as dangerous as almost any weapon in a
> arsenal.
> Proactive law enforcement targeting crime-infested neighborhoods
> been the most effective method in curbing the violence. The
> in conjunction with federal authorities, has established a gun
> force known as "Triggerlock II." A police department bulletin
> explains: "`Triggerlock II' is committed to disarming violent
> criminals and reducing gun violence by identifying the most
> offenders and referring them for prosecution under state and
> firearm violations."[12]
> When homicides in San Francisco surged in the first half of 2004,
> Gang Task Force and other specialized units of the police
> stepped up and cut the homicide rate by 40 percent in the second
> of the year. According to an article in the San Francisco
> Chronicle: "The most important factor in the decline, police say,
> authorities' attempt to take those they consider the most violent,
> incorrigible criminals off the streets with the help of the
> federal `Triggerlock' law, which provides for prison terms of 10
> or more for felons who are caught with a gun."[13]
> A targeted response to violent crime coupled with tough state
> legislation such as "Three Strikes" ensures that predators are
not in
> a position to wreak havoc on society. The District Attorney has
> it clear that she will aggressively prosecute anyone using
firearms in
> the commission of a crime and/or found to be in unlawful
possession of
> a firearm.
> Cities across the nation that employ a "zero tolerance" approach
> violent crime are reaping the benefits. New York City, which
leads the
> way in policing tactics such as CompStat, saw its peak of 2,245
> murders in 1990 drop to 571 in 2004. Chicago, the nation's murder
> capital in 2003 with 598 homicides and a city that banned
handguns in
> 1982, watched as homicides in 2004 fell to 447. Police in the
> City credited the Targeted Response Unit that saturates areas
> for gang violence.[14]
> While the handgun ban initiative does a good job in circumventing
> Second Amendment, it does little to address the deeper cultural
> of crime and violence. Random or targeted acts of violence
> affect the law enforcement community. Those dedicated to public
> service understand that we need to support any reasonable effort
> stem the tide of violent encounters threatening citizens and law
> enforcement alike. However, good intentions don't necessarily make
> good law. Disarming law-abiding citizens is not the answer.
> Guns and Civil Liberties
> The Pink Pistols, the largest national Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and
> Transgender organization dedicated to the legal, safe, and
> use of firearms for self-defense of the sexual-minority
community, has
> a San Francisco chapter and is outraged by the proposed handgun
> ban. "The idea is to make the people better, so they don't commit
> crimes, or if you can't do that, at least stop them when they do.
> gun is the law-abiding citizen's best tool to stop the criminal
in his
> tracks," states Gwen Patton, International Media Spokesperson for
> Pink Pistols.[15]
> San Francisco has a storied reputation as a stronghold of personal
> liberty. The Bill of Rights explicitly refers to rights of
> individuals, not rights of government. And most San Franciscans
> not in favor of allowing government to be in the business of
> abrogating civil liberties.
> No Constitutional Right to Police Protection In DeShaney v.
> County Dept. of Social Services (1989), the United States Supreme
> Court held that the state has no constitutional obligation to
> citizens from private violence.[16]
> California Government Code section 845 states, in part: "Neither a
> public entity nor a public employee is liable for failure to
> a police department or otherwise to provide police protection
> or, if police protection service is provided, for failure to
> sufficient police protection service."
> Since even the fastest calls for service (9-1-1) are measured in
> minutes rather than seconds, how does a law enforcement agency
> to victims of violent crime that the agency sup-ported efforts
> them reasonable means of self-defense? That's a tall order.
> Conclusion
> Police officers and members of the military would also be exempt
> while "carrying out the functions of his or her government
> employment." But does this mean that San Francisco police
officers or
> F.B.I. agents living in San Francisco would be forced to leave
> weapons at the office upon the completion of their shift? The
> associated with that scenario is unfathomable. And it should be
> that no exemption for retired members of our association or other
> enforcement is stated in the proposal.
> Italian criminologist Cesare Beccaria wrote in 1764: "The laws
> forbid the carrying of arms�disarm only those who are neither
> nor determined to commit crimes. �Such laws make things worse for
> assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to
> encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be
> attacked with greater confidence than an armed man."[17] Doesn't
> ring true today?
> When we disarm honest, law-abiding citizens, we contribute to
> empowering criminals and endangering society-at-large. The San
> Francisco Police Officers Association supports the right of our
> members (active and retired), neighbors, and law-abiding citizens
> this city to choose reasonable means of self-defense while in
> homes or businesses. We oppose Proposition H, the S.F. Gun Ban
> Initiative.
> [1] Curtis, Kim, "San Francisco, frustrated by rising homicides,
> handgun ban," Associated Press, 1/19/05
> [2] "Weapon Use and Violent Crime, 1993-2001," National Crime
> Victimization Survey, U.S. Department of Justice
> [ 3 ] Wa shing ton Times, E d itor ia l, 10/7/03
> [4] "Firearms and Violence: A Critical Review," National Academy
> Sciences, 12/16/04
> [5] Lott, John, "Lottery Numbers: Why don't media cover the good-
> stories," Philadelphia Inquirer, 8/1/03 (Note: estimates are as
> as 2.5 million times annually for defensive uses based on
research by
> Gary Kleck, Criminologist)
> [6] Ryan, Joan, "Guns are a bad idea, but so is ban," San
> Chronicle, 12/23/04
> [7] Crime in the States, 2003, Federal Bureau of Investigation
> [8] Ibid
> [9] Curtis
> [10] Lee, Henry, "DA's office clears man who shot teen neighbor,"
> Francisco Chronicle, 3/17/05
> [11] Diaz, Kevin, "Red Lake shootings ignite scant debate,"
> Bee, 4/4/05
> [12] S.F.P.D. Department Bulletin 05- 017, 2/7/05
> [13] Van Derbeken, Jaxon, "Heading off homicide," San Francisco
> Chronicle, 12/23/04
> [14] Bone, James, "US murder rate sinks as zero tolerance puts
> on run," Times Online, 1/3/05
> [15] "Pink Pistols Angered, but Not Surprised, by SF Gun Ban
> Pink Pistols Press Release, 1/3/05
> [16] SCOTUS: DeShaney v. Winnebago Cty. Dep. of Social Services,
> U.S. 189 (1989)
> [17] Polsby, Daniel and Dennis Breenen, "Taking at Gun Control,"
> Heartland Policy Study, 10/30/95
> --- In, "Mike Denny" <mike@d...>
> >
> > The Brazilian national referendum on whether or not hand guns
> be
> > illegal in Brazil was defeated over the weekend 2-1. This comes
> > initial polls months ago showed the referendum passing by the
> > margin. It appears that as soon as Brazil's scandal plagued
> > came out in favor of it, its popularity plummeted like a stone.
> >
> >
> >
> > Mike
> >
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