Gary Johnson and Apple's iPhone 5

Hello all,

Somehow I doubt we'll find GJ waiting outside an Apple store to buy an iPhone 5; most likely he pre-ordered one.

But thousands of people will wait outside Apple Stores to buy an iPhone 5 when it goes on sale this Friday, Sept 21.

And there in lies a great opportunity to introduce GJ to this captive audience. I like to suggest we use this opportunity to hand out GJ flyers to this captive audience, some of whom might already know GJ, but many probably don't.

Apple has several stores in San Francisco:

Chestnut Street Store
2125 Chestnut Street

San Francisco Flagship Store
One Stockton Street

Stonestown Store
3251 20th Ave

To see a complete list of Apple Stores go to:

So let's descend on this captive audience, not as locusts, but as the avid GJ supporters that we are, and flood them with GJ flyers. And let's do this on Friday, Sept 21.

Thanks for reading.
