FW: U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein responding to your message

Dear Alton,

Great ideas. Please write a letter to the editor about this. Send the letter to lots of newspapers. Send a copy to Feinstein, Boxer and Pelosi. Some state senators and representatives have a contest every year where they invite “we the people” to send them proposals for new laws. Joe Simitian and Jerry Hill are two who have such a contest… Maybe your state senator or representative does this. Or send him/her the idea anyway. I’ll send your idea to several of them, too.

Another idea I have is that for every bill they pass they have to delete an old one. We have too many laws that no one reads or fully understands.



Hi Marge,

I'm glad you liked my ideas.

[Aside: In my comments, I referred to Representatives and Senators as
"legislatures." A legislature is the body of government where laws and
regulations are written. A legislator is a member or actual body of the
the legislature. Thus, I should have referred to Representatives and
Senators as legislators. Please pardon my error.]

I shall consider your suggestions to write to newspaper editors about my
ideas. As for contests sponsored by my state senators or representative,
I will see whether they sponsor such contests. Perhaps I will enter them
or send the idea to them "anyway." And please do send my ideas along. I
wholeheartedly thank you for doing this. And I want no, nor will I
accept any royalties. :slight_smile:

And absolutely, I agree with your fabulous idea that for every bill they
pass, they must delete an old one. "Something new in, something old
out," is a basic principle to reduce clutter, whether in one's abode or
the law books. (Did you see the Freedom Watch segment, this past
Thursday, when Judge Napolitano pointed out that January 1 saw 40,000
new laws throughout the land taking effect?)

Another idea or requirement that legislators must follow is to add a
"sunset clause" in every bill they sponsor. This clause is a date when
the bill, if enacted into law, will automatically expire. We have some
laws with sunset clauses, but certainly not enough.

Thanks again for your encouraging words.


<< Dear Alton,

<< Great ideas. Please write a letter to the editor about this. Send
the letter to lots of newspapers. Send a copy to Feinstein, Boxer and
Pelosi. Some state senators and representatives have a contest every
year where they invite "we the people" to send them proposals for new
laws. Joe Simitian and Jerry Hill are two who have such a contest..
Maybe your state senator or representative does this. Or send him/her
the idea anyway. I'll send your idea to several of them, too.

<< Another idea I have is that for every bill they pass they have to
delete an old one. We have too many laws that no one reads or fully

<< Marge >>