FW: Stand up for NPR

Dear All,

In the e-mail below, Credo Action (they were Working Assets in their previous life, as I recall) jumped right into the subject of NPR firing Juan Williams, one of their veteran news analysts; which caused the conservatives to jump right in also and use the opportunity to call for the government defunding of NPR (around 10%, I believe, of NPR's budget). Which exemplifies what needs to be done to get your name out in the media -- look for opportunities to use to your advantage.

Lots of commentary on the Internet; here is one:



Dear Friend,

National Public Radio
recently fired Juan Williams after he appeared on

Bill O'Reilly's show on FOX
News and made some controversial remarks.

Now, Sarah Palin and other
professional right-wing demagogues are

exploiting this issue as an
excuse to push Congress to defund NPR, which

is something conservatives
have wanted for decades.

Whatever you think about
the Juan Williams controversy, we cannot allow

the right wing to dictate
public policy by throwing a fit. And we cannot

allow Congress to lie down
when confronted with hypocritical, fake outrage

from the Right.

Join me in telling
Congress: Don't cave to Sarah Palin. Stand up for NPR!

It's really easy to do so
at the link below.
