FW: new LPOC officers?

Dear All,

Please see Kevin Takenaga's e-mail below. I am planning on going. Others? Should we plan on it, assuming not a lot of money is involved?



  I was wondering the same things. I've copied Kevin Takenaga on this
email, hopefully he can answer your questions. It would be helpful if
state party leaders would consult with us on planning events happening
in San Francisco before they are finalized.

Love & Liberty,
        ((( starchild )))

If it's during the day, I'll likely be too busy with the Pride outreach
booth, and if it's during the evening, I'll likely be exhausted from the
Pride outreach booth.

Ditto on wishing they would at least consult us before planning this sort of


Hi Rob,

I did not know when Pride would be either. So now I know. I have been helping staff the booth for 100 years now, so no reason to stop now.
