FSP Quarterly Meeting (10/17/04)

We are the Northern California Local Group of the Free State Project

If you're interested in finding out more about the Free State Project,
or participating in it, please attend our next meeting. It's not
necessary to move to New Hampshire to significantly help the cause
of liberty in NH and--if successful--in the U.S.

Next FSP local meeting:
DATE: Sunday 17 October 2004
PLACE: International Noodle House,
690 Van Ness Ave.,
bet. Turk & Golden Gate St.,
Near City Hall and the Opera House,
San Francisco 94102, 415-567-2288.
Take BART to "Civic Center" or the
Underground Muni to "Van Ness."
By car, take the Ninth St. exit off Rte.101.
Street parking and garages available.