From the Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal blog...

From, where you can actually click to get the book they're chatting about below...

Love & Liberty,

((( starchild )))

P.S. – I have no personal connection to this, just appreciate what Zach & Bryan have to say.

For a less policy-intensive look at the immigration issue, check out gay entertainer Randy Rainbow's Madonna parody, if you haven't already:

Love & Liberty,

((( starchild )))

Very clever.

Another view on Open Borders


Not 100% sure what "Bionic Mosquito" is trying to say Mike, but as far as I can tell it it is not an argument for open borders as advertised.

  The writer states that "common culture and tradition reduces the demands for coercive government", and raises an objection to open borders that they "will reduce common culture and tradition …and government will increase".

  Unanswered by this apparent theory, however, is how the United States, historically a nation of immigrants who unlike people in most places did not share common culture or traditions, has also been among the freest places on earth? Or how the growth of government in the U.S. during the past century and a half has been accompanied by increased restrictions on freedom of movement?

Love & Liberty,

((( starchild )))

Good points