Free Market Debate This Sunday

The protagonists for this Sunday's economics debateThis Sunday, my KALW-FM
(NPR, San Francisco) show will feature a debate on the question: What's
better for the U.S: big government stimulus or the Free Market?
Taking the pro-stimulus side will be Dean Baker.: . Taking the pro-free-market
side will be Robert Murphy: .

If you are unable to hear it live on the radio, it will be archived as a
PodCast on the NPR site or permanently on


Cool, I listen to KALW regularly. Never heard of Robert Murphy before, but his credentials sound promising (Austrian school, has written for Lew Rockwell, worked with Mises Institute, published with Walter Block, etc.). Hope he's a good debater!

  The station does have some libertarian-oriented content from time to time. Today I caught part of a good interview on KALW with Dambisa Moyo, an economist born in Zambia, about her new book "Dead Aid" that says foreign aid to Africa has been a failure and is the wrong approach (see

Love & Liberty,
        ((( starchild )))